Marc Houweling


Marc Houweling is a highly knowledgeable lawyer in Real Estate and Construction matters and driven by passion for making his clients’ projects and developments a success.

Being one of the younger partners in the Dutch market – and the youngest of our firm – as a fast-paced multitasker he stands out from the crowd, not only by his energetic and unconventional approach to cases but also by his dedication to meet his clients’ objectives and skills in getting deals done. He is a total team player and being a new generation lawyer himself, he has a good sense of the next generations’ mindset and needs which gives the team a real strength in depth.

Marc handles a mixture of contentious and non-contentious work for developers, investors, construction companies, international organisations, (local) government, water companies and others involved in Construction and Real Estate projects. Marc’s practice has an emphasis on housing and infrastructure developments. His knowledge of all aspects of (public) procurement-, lease-, property- and construction law, allows him to look at the bigger picture and to give practical and commercial advice tailored to the needs of his clients’ businesses. He has extensive experience in legal contract- and claims management of major projects, from both client’s as well as contractor’s perspective.

Furthermore, Marc has a no-nonsense approach to litigation and arbitration, giving him real gravitas in the sector.

He publishes articles and case notes relating to his expertise in Dutch law journals on a regular basis. Marc is a member of the editorial board of the Dutch journal for Real Estate Law (Vastgoedrecht), Procurement Law. He also lectures on various topics relating to his practice, both in-house and at a number of educational institutions. Marc studied law in Leiden, The Netherlands (civil- and corporate law) and in Boston, United States of America (American law) and worked some time outside of The Netherlands, being convinced travelling and working abroad gives a true boost to blue sky thinking.

Working in the sectors

Working in the areas of law


Advising and successfully representing

a water company in summary proceedings regarding a procurement dispute relating to building materials;

Advising and representing

a contractor on the development of and (additional work) claims regarding to a new build 5* star hotel in Amsterdam, The Netherlands;


a developer on the multi-use development of a landmark in The Netherlands and representing the party in various landlord-tenant litigation cases;


a developing contractor regarding the urban development of housing in Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

Advising and representing

a security company in a series of procurement (summary proceedings and appeal) cases relating to public transport and infrastructure;


an international organisation on the development of its new 80.000 m2 headquarters in The Netherlands, including advice relating to tenders regarding maintenance- and consultancy contracts;


multiple contractors on the realisation of rail (related) infrastructure throughout The Netherlands;

As a pro bono initiative

Marc successfully represented a large group of claimants in proceedings and negotiations (through mediation) in a substantive leasehold matter against one of the G5 Municipalities;


a water company on construction- and development documentation regarding the creation of two (industrial) water plants;


and representing a municipality in various landlord-tenant litigation cases in its central station area;


a contractor on the documentation (including Design and Build agreement, securities- and financing agreements) of a contractor on the development of student and youth housing in Amsterdam;


and representing a major printer supplier in summary proceedings regarding a procurement dispute against the State of The Netherlands.


Legal 500 2024

Construction (Tier 3)

'Van der Feltz has a practical approach and as a boutique firm profound knowledge around Dutch construction law. It is a professional team that also can participate in cross border transactions.'

Legal 500 2024

Real Estate (Tier 5)

‘The team is professional and a true partner in various transactions. They are also able to support in cross-border transactions.’

Chambers Europe 2024

Energy & Resources: Regulatory, Band 3

“Van der Feltz advocaten provides near instant responses and has on-the-spot advice that is clear and concrete.”

PropertyNL's Top-60 Vastgoedjuristen

Marc Houweling is betrokken en zeer duidelijk in zijn adviezen. De adviezen zijn goed onderbouwd, de risico’s worden benoemd en de mogelijke scenario’s duidelijk uiteengezet. Ook houdt Marc Houweling oog voor de diverse belangen binnen onze organisatie. Daarnaast adviseert Marc Houweling mij in mijn positionering als bedrijfsjurist binnen de organisatie door te luisteren en tips te geven. Ik kan op elk moment met mijn vragen terecht en dit wordt vlot opgepakt. Erg prettig is dat ik terecht kan met diverse adviesvragen, van reviews van templates tot aan begeleiding in geschillen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de heer Houweling voor ons een belangrijk verlengstuk is geworden. Ik ben dus meer dan tevreden over de dienstverlening en ik kan de heer Houweling dan ook van harte aanbevelen.” Augustus 2020, Bedrijfsjurist bij een waterbedrijf

"Marc Houweling heeft vanaf mei 2018 zijn waarde bewezen door zich het dossier snel eigen te maken en zich uitstekend in de materie te kunnen verdiepen. Waar nodig stelde hij in doeltreffende bewoordingen de juiste vragen. In de persoonlijke gesprekken heb ik Marc leren kennen als een integer persoon, die met het nodige gevoel voor humor naar een vooraf bepaald doel toewerkt. Vanuit een coachende rol geeft hij jongere medewerkers zelfvertrouwen om de zaak te behandelen." Augustus 2020, Adviseur financiën bij een gemeente


  • Member of the Dutch Association for Construction Law (VBR)
  • Member of the Dutch Association of Construction Lawyers (VBR-A)
  • Member of the Dutch Association of Procurement Law (NVvA)
  • Member of the Dutch Association of Real Estate Lawyers (VVJ)
  • NLingenieurs’ Economics and Law Committee